Evaluate My Pet

Evaluating your pet is the most important first step in deciding which product would most benefit your pet. Please look at the information below to help you decide which wheelchair design is needed. As always, if you have a question in regard to your pet’s specific needs; please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Forelimb Strength & the Towel Test

Your pet must be able to walk strongly on its front legs, with its back held in a level position. Use the “towel test” to determine whether or not the above is possible. If you have a small dog or cat we suggest you take an old towel, cut two holes in it, and place the legs through the holes. Remembering to keep the back level, see if your pet will walk normally. This action simulates our cart support system. If you have a large dog, a towel under each hind leg is an easier way to do the “towel test”.

Step #1
Create Homemade Towel Sling

Step #2
Place Towel Sling on Your Pet

Step #3
Review for Signs of Forelimb Weakness

Stumbling or knuckling with one or both front paws

Short, choppy steps or crossing over of the front paws

Splaying front legs out wide to maintain balance

Taking a few steps and stopping or laying back on the front legs