
30 11, 2014

What is K9 Happiness?

By |2016-11-02T15:44:12-04:00November 30th, 2014|

My definition would be a dog doing what it loves to do, going for walks on the beach or in the woods, splashing in streams, chasing the mailman or sniffing any dogs it meets, guarding the house, following its owner around in the house hoping for a tidbit to drop or a pat on the head or acknowledgement that you know they are there. In other words letting you know that they are very important and are part of the family! […]

5 09, 2014

Rear Limb Amputees

By |2016-11-02T15:44:31-04:00September 5th, 2014|

Pets who have lost one rear limb generally manage to do very well for many years. They basically center their remaining leg under their rear and hop or run along well, However as they get older and that remaining limb gets out of alignment with the added stress of only having one leg to balance on, they will need help. […]

12 07, 2014

Collapsible Dog Wheelchairs & Other Wheelchair Designs

By |2016-11-02T15:44:41-04:00July 12th, 2014|

K9 Carts is the original company in the USA that offered mobility wheelchairs for pets. They were first designed by a veterinary orthopedic surgeon as he realized that there was a need for a wheelchair to help mobility impaired pets remain active and healthy without creating further health issues. […]

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